What Are Soft Teeth? : Hard Facts & Myth About Soft Teeth

Soft Teeth

Facts about Soft Teeth

Many people claim that they have soft teeth and visit the dentist often due to tooth sensitivity, cavities, and toothaches, irrespective of their diligent oral care. 

Some people complain that their oral health has diminished after childbirth, aging, or after a trauma, even though their oral habits have not changed. 

Most parents have consumed the myth that they have soft teeth due to genetics. The term soft teeth are tossed a lot, and parents are concerned a lot about the same. 

Most parents who visit the clinic ask about the soft teeth and regard a condition passed from the parent to the children. Keeping the confusion and questions aside, what is a soft tooth?

Understanding about soft tooth

When people mention that they or their children have soft teeth, they believe that they have weak enamel that is prone to frequent cavity and decay due to genetics. 

But it is a common misconception. The concept of soft teeth refers to teeth that don’t withstand regular wear despite extreme oral hygiene measures.

What contributes to soft teeth?

Soft tooth occurs both in children and adults, and the contributing factors are many. 

The elements may lead to frequent decay or damage of teeth by a cavity. 

Here is a list of reasons that cause soft teeth.


      • Oral hygiene: the first and foremost culprit behind soft teeth is a lack of proper oral hygiene. In children, extra care must be given to maintain their oral hygiene—brush for solid two minutes and twice a day. Floss regularly to prevent the accumulation of plaque. A buildup of bacterial plaque results in demineralization and decalcification of enamel, thus weakening it. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and clean your mouth effectively in a tiny circular motion and remove bacteria clogging.

      • Nutrition: a high sugar diet and acidic diet also causes damage and contribute to decay and cavity. When your child consumes much super-sugary food and acidic beverages, rigorous damage of the enamel occurs. Keep unhealthy and high sugar foods limited to prevent cavity and decay.

      • Fever: fever in children affects the development of their teeth drastically. A severe fever halts the cell responsible for remineralizing from doing its job efficiently. Lack of remineralization prevents the enamel from getting its nutrients, thus weakening it.

      • Enamel Fluorosis: enamel fluorosis in children affects their teeth in the developing stage. Fluoride strengthens the enamel; however, when your child’s teeth expose to excessive fluoride, the enamel wears off and weakens. Excessive fluoride exposure occurs on the consumption of beverages or swallowing paste.

      • Acid reflux: Acid reflux is a condition of the digestive system that irritates the food pipe and causes heatburn. The heartburn that erupts from the stomach might affect the tooth enamel and cause erosion.

    How to know if you have soft teeth?

    Most people experiencing frequent decay and cavity of teeth have regular teeth and enamel. 

    Weakened teeth can cause frequent decay of tooth. It doesn’t mean that your teeth have weakened over time. 

    Your teeth might damage only when it is the developing stage. The development stage usually ends by the age of 15 except for wisdom teeth development. 

    Unless your baby teeth had excessive bacteria or infection or lack of nutrients and hormones during the development stage, the chances of having a soft tooth are none to zero.

    But weak tooth enamel can occur due to various reasons, as mentioned earlier. Even then, it won’t result in the development of soft teeth. 

    In most cases, when teeth become soft, various symptoms such as brown spots, chalky spots, or banding can be observed. 

    If any unusual symptoms are not followed, you are unlikely to have a soft tooth.

    Common misconceptions

    Many people believe that pregnancy, breastfeeding, diabetes, and allergies make their teeth get soft. Cavities and decay of teeth mostly occur due to poor oral hygiene.

    How to prevent cavities and decay?

    Prevent frequent decay of teeth and incidence cavities by adapting proper oral care and a healthy lifestyle.


        • Incorporate the best oral health routine

        • Include practices such as brushing twice a day and flossing at least one time

        • Brushing the teeth with excessive force becomes detrimental to oral hygiene and erodes enamel

        • Know how to floss correctly for effective results

        • Limit foods that are high in sugar and starch

        • Also, keep away from sugary sodas and fluoride waters

        • Keep an eye on the dental care of your children. Keep them away from cold beverages and super sugary food to enhance the development of teeth

        • Go on regular dental exams

      Bottom line

      Schedule an appointment with experts at Ekdantam dental clinic and discuss your treatment options for treating decay and cavity.


      Are there any specific symptoms associated with soft teeth?

      Symptoms may include frequent cavities, tooth sensitivity, visible signs of enamel erosion, discoloration, and increased vulnerability to dental issues despite maintaining proper oral hygiene.

      Can soft teeth be prevented?

      While soft teeth may have a genetic component, maintaining good oral hygiene practices, following a balanced diet rich in essential minerals, and scheduling regular dental checkups can help prevent the progression of dental issues associated with weakened enamel.

      How can I protect my soft teeth from cavities and decay?

      Protecting soft teeth involves implementing preventive measures such as regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing, limiting sugary and acidic foods, using fluoride rinses, and considering dental sealants or fluoride treatments recommended by a dentist.

      Can specific dental treatments help strengthen soft teeth?

      Yes, certain dental treatments, such as fluoride varnishes, remineralization agents, and dental sealants, can help strengthen the enamel and reduce the risk of cavities and decay in individuals with soft teeth.

      Are there any dietary restrictions for individuals with soft teeth?

      Individuals with soft teeth should limit their intake of sugary and acidic foods and beverages, as these can contribute to enamel erosion and tooth decay. Consuming foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins can help strengthen the teeth.

      Is there a higher risk of other dental issues associated with soft teeth?

      Yes, individuals with soft teeth may have a higher risk of developing other dental issues such as tooth sensitivity, gum disease, and enamel erosion. Maintaining regular dental checkups is essential for early detection and management of these potential concerns.

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